Exhibition Opening - Friday 13th of September 2024 at Extrazimmer in Salzburg.
My first solo exhibition, which is titled "Österreich hat viele gesichter" ("austria has many faces"), will take place at the Extrazimmer gallery in Salzburg in September this year. Gallery website: extrazimmer.info

A photographic project under the working title of "we are austrian", consisting of a series of portraits, of people from different ethnic backgrounds, who have made the significant step of taking on the Austrian Citizenship.

Article from drehpunktkultur.at about my project receiving the 2023 Peyrebère de Guilloutet Interkulturstipendium (a grant from the City of Salzburg supporting multicultural projects with emphasis on integration and inclusivity).

2023 Peyrebère de Guilloutet Interkulturstipendium

LEICA GALLERY, Salzburg - "Der Moment Macht Das Bild" Group Exhibition, March 2023
In March of 2023 I had the honour of having two of my images selected for a group exhibition in the highly revered Leica Gallery in Salzburg.